
How Name Cards Set Creative Professionals Apart

If you are creative professional, such as graphic designer, thespian, videographer or photographer or just about any artist out there, your name card needs to set you apart.  As a creative, normal and general don’t cut. You need a unique name card different from any other. Here is how the best printing services help set you apart. 

Dull rectangles no more 

The worst you can do as a creative professional is to try to market yourself with a name card that is so normal, unoriginal and common. To do it better, work with different types of shapes out there to not only look different but unique. It can be anything, from heart-shaped, square, triangular or oval name cards. Even so, ensure the shape is not too complicated to avoid making the card shriveled and shambolic with time.   

Expressive images

Whatever you do to earn a living in the art industry, an expressive image on your name card can set you apart. With the right printing services your funny or illustrative image, logo or other graphic that describes you better will be printed. It can be a dragon with a golden wing, or a knight riding a three-legged sea monster. Whatever it is, your name card will express who you are better with a dash of creativity. 

A touch of color

Artists are known to go overboard with designs and expressions. However, at times just minimalist options are better. While your card might be the normal rectangular shape, you can add a touch of expressive, conspicuous and lovely color to it. It might be all you need. You could even go with different colors courtesy of your printing services for a different, provocative approach to name cards. 

Special touch of font 

You may not be a color person and too much of them, even when they contrast, might not express you better. Find a very unique font and be different. It sets you apart without going overboard. However, avoid the temptation to add more than one font as it can be confusing and reduce the value of your card. 

Demonstrate your artistry 

Another way creative professionals can set themselves apart is showcasing what they do on a two-sided name card. Rather than stick with just one side, use the flipside to demonstrate masterly of your craft. It can be a drawing, photograph, 3D image etc. that showcases your talent in a small way. 

Outstanding texture 

Sometimes a fresh look and approach is everything and perfect for an artist. Make your name card stand out by requesting from your printing services a normal card with amazing, unique texture that sets it apart. It’s all about playing around with the available materials and designs.

 For instance you can emboss or deboss to give the graphics or letters a 3D effect. Also, spot UV leaves your name cards with a premium look and touch. It can even be a golden letterpress finish on a backdrop of a special shade. 

Whatever you choose, it should set you apart as an artist who is serious about their craft.

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